Lord Dr. Nürburgring III, Esquire

Why? Because it's missing the V.

A guy who drove 100K in a Lamborghini, a guy who drove 29 days in a Mini-Excavator? Damn, respectable stories, my praises guys. But when I'm old enough to drive how am I gonna get a story, drive up and down the GM factory 2,000 times in a Pontiac?

FWD Range Rovers? What's next, Rosie O'Donnell running a marathon?

@the_omicron: Hey, Tata is AWESOME. They still have the original RR guys working on everything, and I think the XFR more than compensates...

I heard the exact same quote from a woman after she spent the night at Ray's house...

Tres bien Mots du Jour Vavon! C'est tres bonne et tu peux une etoile! C'est quelle voiture?

@Audaxero: Maybe...but I wouldn't count on it. Clarkson's just got that lunacy that no American could...

Nice one man, that's a really good looking wagon. And you're so right, I'm definitely getting a Swedish Wagon when I'm older. Plus a few other Swedes, but they're probably gonna stay in my house.

@ploopsy: Haha, this is true. :P

@protomech: Corvette ZR1 Tesla Roadster. Car math!

Silicon Valley may be good for tech, but see if they can build a 638 horsepower Supercar that lapped the ring faster than that stupid Intel Core Duo powered Tesla bucket of RAM ever could. And we can drive it home because it isn't powered by the batteries in my little cousin's Easy Bake Oven.

This is what my mom shows me whenever I've been bad. I didn't stay up late watching TV for three years...

This isn't the first time a Vampire's been in a crash, but it's never been "Low Speed"...

It's a car that can also be turned into a plane. Because it's two things in one. And you know what? I like it. Aquaman's two things in one too. He's an underwater superhero, and completely useless!

@Novaload: I knew a guy that asked his wife if she could get the body mods so people would just think he had a young trophy girl. Did not end well my friend...