Lord Dr. Nürburgring III, Esquire

Peach better be putting out after all the crap I...I mean Mario went through over the years...

@onkel fritz: Pfft...think realistically. Insurance costs, mileage, reliability. We'd all love to ride the Ultima Weapon, but can we really?

@ShatteringLast: Well I want a Chocobo to ride to school when I get my license, or a really big one of these for when I go Scuba Diving.

"Solid...snake, is....dead?? Kojima what the hell do these say?"

@GreenN_Gold: I was thinking maybe an anthology of "The best of COTD" featuring Ash78's amazing posts, Lotte's two Planelopnik mantras, and all the very best Comments, all wrapped up with a nice little gift box...also included, sheet music to all my little musical numbers, including "The Arab Oil Song", My Audi remix

What's Seinfeld?

@$kaycog*5000*: A man can always afford a bedroom, if not a don't need to ask us where we'll keep a bra-clad blond model...we'll buy huge pants if we need to.

Damn, Crack Pipe for being over LeMons regulation...

@Tvaan: Well sure, but that doesn't mean it's necessarily true for all cases, nor should an M3 owner be affected, because what you get in terms of assumption by society you make up for by being faster than most things on the road. A lot faster. It's one of the best four seater cars (It's a convertible, but still)

@Tvaan: Well sure, but if you really hate the kinds of people that drive the car and being labeled as something, you shouldn't be driving anything exciting at all. My dad has an M3, the so called epitome of prick-i-tude. Does he care? Hell no, because it's an awesome car.

@$kaycog*5000*: He has way too many of these...I wonder where he puts them all.

@Tvaan: Wow, 5 weeks later and I get a reply...that's dedication.

Now I'm curious as to whether you can Cosplay as an RPG star and Cos-LARP...

I was just gonna ask where the Fire Flower was...nice haha.

Dammit! I just got new shoes today! They look good, but there's no arc reactor in my can tell they won't be cheap though. And I hope they'll take an arm and another arm, because I'll need my legs...Whiplash electric shock-painted ones would be beast too.

@HoonThatFerrari-isNowHooning a Maserati: Just don't look up Nürburgring on Alcoholics Anonymous Online. Anonymous my ass, stupid application. Oh, and I wouldn't check the registered sex offender list either...