Lord Dr. Nürburgring III, Esquire

My High School still uses the same boring textbooks, but there are some smaller kids (The Freshmen this year are really tiny), so this wouldn't exactly be the best idea...

Now with 50% less Cameltoe?

@Prairie Moon: Uhh....I hope you've got a Paper Bag handy.

Yeah, take that Apple! No longer shall we spend money for your international travel adapters! Although the farthest from America I've been recently is Canada...Canadians.

@pj134: Plus, if anything it's a sleeper. The one thing I see different is just the Hood Scoop. Perfect for the Stealth Racer, especially with that paint.

That's pimpin.

@Jo Borras: Hey, you'd figure all that Dragoning would work on his glutes, but I guess he's eating way too much pie.

Awesome Paul. And thank you Matt, because I was only expecting a COTD in honor of Wes. I'm gonna miss him so much! But you know what? I'll be on HellForLeather a bit more often now.

@900pilot: Hey, I'm a vegetarian, so it's easier for me. Unfortunately, I remember the first 9 years of my life when I wasn't...and now even I'm hungry...

Maybe one last Mustang? Or...some better food...I'll miss you Wes. I really will. You're like that uncle stuck in the 80's that you can't help but love. I'll be waiting for your next review.

I never knew he could be so photogenic.

I heard if you use the Contra Code on Mario Bros, Missingno appears, Bowser gets an Afro, and Kotaku dissapears from the face of the earth. Guess everyone who doesn't believe it likes Kotaku too much to test it out.

@Destructability: Actually yeah, the music was good, the graphics were "cute", and overall the gameplay wasn't "horrible". But still, a 2D MMO where they prompt you to buy Nexon Cash for in-game 2D items for your 2D Character is just stupid. Did I mention it was 2D?

I got hacked in MapleStory once. Then I turned 8 and never looked back.

@SlowMo: I don't know, it's just that it's a nice looking car and has some interesting "character". Certainly less boring than a Camaro, and it's possible that it might lift, but I think it should be designed to stay planted. Skaycog's obsessive GT fad might work as well, a Ford GT would be perfect for the pace car.

@pinkshinyalan: Eh, it looks the part if anything. And I'm sure it can be modified...

@$kaycog*5000*: Alright, maybe you got a me a bit. It is interesting to see someone love this car so much and it's nice that you have that one car you really, really want. I'd definitely be bored if you didn't go ecstatic everytime Ben posts some new upgraded GT going 0-60 in 3 milliseconds.