@Formerlythegreatestdriver: Cool Story Bro.
@Formerlythegreatestdriver: Cool Story Bro.
@TheCroatianGuy: Well I mean the GTS is apparently going to start at 170K, while the base GT3 RS is 132. Plus who knows whether it'll be faster, but the problem is Porsche makes high hp cars that are still light enough to handle well, and BMW makes vehicles that everyone buys and everyone drives. I mean, I guess with…
@cobrajoe: Well I mean, I'm sure, the most amazing M3 would give any Carrera a run for its money, but I just wish they'd have some kind of 0-60 in 3.5, 1G Lateral Grip, supercar kind of beast. I just know they're capable, and Porsche managed to make a well-performing 4-door sedan, so I figure BMW could have at least…
If 1 million people join this group, it will have 1 million people.
Where's the secret 12th photo where it shows the droid trying to operate the iDrive system on a BMW 5-series? Because as we all know, iDrive is really hard to operate. For reference, there's a different reason why Stephen Hawking's confined to a wheelchair.
Which one's the beast? The DS I kind of like, but I can't even tell what's going on with that lava lamp in the back...
I'd like a hill of beans...no one ever gives me any beans.
If they can manage above a 7:50, I'll be impressed, but I don't think so.
The last time I was deceived she never called back and took 20 bucks. I wish I had a lightsaber back then.
In New Jersey we basically just inhale it. And hell, near Princeton I hear they won't settle for anything less than Diamond-Laced Premium.
@ROWSDOWER! Brodie: I'll give you a call when I'm 17, we'll take it from there. This is a good idea, don't forget it.
@evoCS-Hench-Minion to the stars: I mean really, anime is good, but a Gundam-themed car could have so many possibilities.
Is it too late to call Shenanigans?
@Pessimippopotamus: Ugh, Olivia Munn is so hot but that doesn't work at all.
Interesting...but I agree that I think it can do so much more. Troll it may be, it's a hell of a fast troll.
While I do love Anime, I wouldn't like this, no matter what it was.
Humdrum Town is such a good song, it's just great for City Cruising at night.
@gman1023: Hmm, interesting.