
So right...C.U.B.S...."Completely Useless By September." Their fans are the worst....

Is anyone aware of Rebecca Watson? The hipster, "skepchick" from the Skeptic's Guide to the Universe podcast?

Yeah, she might be more influential than Elizabeth Warren...Beyonce means more to me than geopolitical affairs....

I'm not that at all concerned about Kate losing weight...actually, she should probably lose about 20 more. There's ONE thing I cannot STAND and it is FAT members of the royal family. Lose the weight or get the eff out...

Grammar check...I think you mean, "I wonder what FIFA is GOING to..." OH!!! I get it! Good one!!

Witnessing the Bull's 72-win season is something that probably will never happen again...Yeah, the Bulls (with Jordan) were the greatest ever....

Right before a face-off, it was hilarious when Shaw and another Blues player were tripping each other up with their sticks....

I use YouTube to learn certain piano pieces and this is brilliant!!!

yup...creativity comes from being a creative person...not because you have a creative name.

I once got slapped by a women and then I was knocked down to floor. When I tried to get up, she kicked me straight in the mouth knocking out about 10 of my teeth. So, there I am with a bloody mouth, dazed, and wondering what the hell just happened...she keeps coming after me and this time she had a pool stick. She

Can someone, say, who is a teacher, already has his master's degree, and limited funds due to having children, accumulate hours towards the salary schedule? The school district where I am employed tops off your salary once you have 60 hours past your master's.

I prefer "Who let the dogs out" over Sweet Caroline any day...

I'm sure Miss Utah (along with the other 49 contestants) has restricted her caloric intake (for the past 7 days) to about one-tenth of what an average person should consume; so, I'm sure that has a HUGE effect on her cognitive abilities.

Who here is a Barry fan?? I love the show as a "guilty pleasure", but cannot get enough of Barry's "I don't give a f&@k attitude." He's not in it (obviously) for the money; you can really tell that he enjoys finding antiques with a cool story. Brandy, however, just has so few redeeming qualities that it makes it

Yeah, I've heard a lot about the whole "dead eyes" quandary....(See The Polar Express). Whomever can develop an algorithm for realism is going to be one very, very, very rich person...

How far are game companies from building a system that has characters that are virtually indistinguishable from real-life characters? I was walking by a Sony store the other day and thought I was watching a REAL football game and then realized it was just didn't take more than a second; but for that very

That's an idea!!! Why put in a color screen other than for the fact that it's color; what the TI brand needs is clarity and high definition....

Hey TI, Welcome to the 90's!!! In all seriousness, I've always been disturbed the utter low quality of the pixelated monochromatic screens on those calculators and how TI still had the market-share to price the calculators at whatever price they chose....I don't know how a color screen is going to be an

It's a test...much like he did with Abraham when he made his kill his own son. Don't worry,'ll pass the test.

My father-in-law sent me an e-mail recently that Mars is going to be so close that it will be as large as the Moon...I am absolute looking forward to that event. (wink, wink...)