
Not only that, but this also caused an error in Breath of Fire 2. If you get the quiz guy to live in your town, one of the questions is which color is one of the buttons on the pad. In the Japanese version this was easy, but unless you had a 3rd party controller (most kept the Japanese button colors), in the NA

I would like one:

I agree deeply as well. I used to work at a workshop. Getting paid only $4.25/hr, in a packaging site with a loud air compressor, most of your co-workers really are mentally retarded, some more violent then others, having to Q/C for them, and having a boss who doesn't improve the situation was very taxing to not only

Hit box errors, problems with framerate and general game speed, making places that are unwinnable, not balancing weapon sets.

Someday, at this rate, We'll just make our controllers out of paper-mache and a few button drawings

As though the black floaties I see arn't enough.

Remember when you failed your first grade spelling test and the teacher would throw a fit and made you redo it, and you handed it back with tears stained on them?

Again, Tversity. Although I'm still waiting for the day a streamer could properly read Subs in MKVs and stream them. In fact I'm still waiting for the day more devices support MKVs with subtitle and audio tracks.

Although its been awhile since I used it...

I've filled out a form. Please I get one, and maybe develop a Video player while learning to code.

Ah, making PETA your bitch.

@Riff-Raff: Just after we make Carnivorous, intelligent cyborg cats intentend to eat the carnivorous, hiveminded rats intended for organic CPUs.

Good thing that the guy didn't notice the silver backing if she didn't have a grip case on it. Remember: Ipod touches have Silver backs, while Iphones have soild colored ones. Though holding something up that looks like an Iphone and yelling I called 911 would make you run without noticing it.

@TheRevanchist2: Well, that and the fact that I have yet to see any TV show based in the Saint Louis Area. Add to the fact its hard to double us for cheaper costs. And I know about the Science center.

Now if it only had support for MKVs, I'll be in heaven. If only...

Once again, nothing interesting happens in Saint Louis.

I do agree. Though there are some jobs you want to avoid for the sake of sanity. For example my last job was at a sheltered workshop, where you do package.....Keep in mind those places are for SPECIAL people, and the admin and supervisors are not that better. Needless to say, at least in corporate jobs you can feel a

SCIENCE! Because we won't stop until we find every single way the universe will end with our horrible deaths.

For all the stuff they are known for, at least Colombians know how to get the job done. With overkill. Delicious exploding overkill.

@Agagulba: Just because your smart doesn't mean