
Agreed. However, the “put on something tight and low-cut and go talk to Daddy” bit was fucking hilarious.

I am completely and utterly amused that they’re bothered by her calling Ivanka a cunt but not by this: “Put on something tight and low-cut and tell your father to fuckin’ stop it.” 

As Roy Moore and the Duggars have shown, the right isn’t particularly bothered by incest or pedophilia.

Okay. Two things:

Chelsea is a master of the unfailingly polite “fuck you.” She’s kind of my hero.

You think Trump observed Memorial Day? No... he celebrated it... with a tweet proclaiming “Happpy Memorial Day!” and then bragging about how all the dead soldiers would be so proud that his economy is helping out blacks and hispanics.

With regards to his last tweet...

Just waiting for that Angel person to appear and rant about Marc Jacobs...

This is one question I’ve never needed to consider.

Who wouldn’t want to hold the physical manifestation of vainglory and fatuousness?

I am proposing they sell this alternative coin.

Indeed. I know where the key to my main gun safe is at all times, and my kids do not. My pistol safe has a number pad lock rather than a key, and they do not and will not know that combination until I die.

I’ll believe this bullying horseshit when we have a wave of school shootings by chubby girls and gay kids.

I can’t tell if the BBC and Telegraph are just unaware of the fast casual trend, or if they’re just fascinated by the Poors.

I hope the next royal marries an Ethiopian, because we’ll get explanations like this:

“Finger Food: Finger food is larger than a canapé and around a quarter of the size of a main course. Guests

Presumably, other countries don’t have violent video games, mental illness, bullying, violent movies, socialism, unwed mothers, drugs, atheism, or...doors?

Wasn’t there a moratorium on pressure cooker sales in some areas after the Boston Marathon bombing? Oh, I forgot, the Constitution doesn’t include a God-given right to cookware.

Well we already know the official WH response to this...

Let me put it this way, as a kid Adam West was my Batman and Sean Connery my James Bond.

Good points. You mentioned you haven't been much to the Northeast Kingdom; I highly recommend you check that area out. It's a strange corner of VT: absolutely breathtaking scenery of lakes, mountains, and dense northern coniferous forests along with some of the only instances of trailer parks and trash/junk in yards

Or would rather drive through Vermont than upstate New York despite the extra time involved. The Jurress and I lived in VT for nine years, and were always struck by how upstate was like VT's evil twin.