
See, this is the problem: none of that crap is true. Even Bernie said it wasn’t rigged. The Clinton Foundation was never shut down, it is not a pay-for-play scheme - I’m, not even going to go on. You’re not just wrong start to finish; you’re drowning in lies & need to turn off Faux Noise.

He was accused of a crime that not only someone knows he didn’t commit, but a white woman committed it!

I think you just won the whole Internet

Given the join date (December of last year) & the single tweet, I’m thinking “Russian bot” that’s only jujst been activated. Yeah, call me a conspiracy theorist, but it’s better than admitting that yet another American is a certifiable moron. :-(

Same thing Indiana Jones did :-D

Thank you for posting a pcture, because then I know it’s not my friend, who owns a huge collection in Maryland.

That may be a fake account. Not spelled right, no tweets & only just joined “May 2017"

MRAholes do call “Ladies’ Nights” sexist. Even though “Ladies’ Nights” are actually misogynist, in that their true objective is to lure women into bars for the delectation of men! Seriously! Think about it! Why else would bars lower the prices on women’s drinks? Because they know that “more women in the bar” = “more

This is exactly the realization I have come to with why rightwingers scream that they “aren’t allowed to say [insert whatever here].” I have always wondered what makes them think they “aren’t allowed”, when they say whatever they wan to, anyway - & then it hit me. They truly feel that being told “you’re

No, we’re saying that men can pretend that “it happens to them, too” when it actually doesn’t, given the actual make-up of the movies involved (Mostly POV & agency), & continue to try to evade the truth because it’s so painful to them, but they won’t ask themselves why.

I think that’s the protoype of “Manic Pixie Dreamgirl”

Jeff Goldblum’s character is clearly intelligent & is at least as much in charge as Geena Davis’ character, even though he is the alien & she is the Earth native.

I knew something was bothering me about the “reversals” not being quite the same - & this was it. THANK YOU!

No, the user is NOT Jewish; his name is Rivello. He uses that handle because he hates Jews.

I think it might encourage the, because they would see nothing wrong with it.

I believe the style in which it was written was supposed to be a first-person narrative - a diary - with all the flaws therein.

Mazel tov on your marriage - may it be long & happy.

Oh, glad someone stood up for you. OMG....

OMG. Letting your child grab other people in the first place is already infuriating me, but encouraging it? & THEN the racism?? Excuse me, have to go scream now.

What I would truly like to say is unprintable.