It's a BMW E30. Not sure where you're seeing Lancia...
It's a BMW E30. Not sure where you're seeing Lancia...
If in doubt, go flat out.
A new (or refreshed?) Colin McRae game would be brilliant :)
Well 8+ still covers everything that 80+ does...
Mine had the issue where it would keep resetting it. I used to take it apart, bend the pins that connected the internal power board and hope it lasted. One time I forgot to unplug it before doing this it and got the biggest electric shock of my life. Scared the shit out of me.
I want to ride a motorbike under the sea.
I'm getting married in August, my bridge is turning up in a Jaguar Mk 1 and leaving with me in this beauty.
This is a non-story. Pre-2001 cars get charged based on engine size. At the moment cars with <1549cc pay £130 per year, >1550cc pay £220, and cars registered before 1974 don't pay anything.
This small floating box probably contains a wardrobe.
Just downloaded it to check - it adjusts the button timing so the icons will appear before/after they normally do.
I've not played it or seen it but I'm guessing it allows you to transpose the music up and down with 0 being the original pitch?
What did I just read?
Got to love that Firebird I.
The studio recording of this song has the best use of wah ever.
How have things been since this?
Many cars actually have built-in compartments that work perfectly for hiding things. You can look up your car online and see what you have (The Honda S2000, for instance has a secret second glovebox between the seats). Our favorite is that early Porsche 911s had a space under the hood for a standalone gas heater, and…
Replace "have a beard" with "drive a stick".
Click "Latest Posts" and not "Recommended" in the header.
I've only gotten one speeding ticket and that was caused by sitting behind a right lane hog (in the UK) for ages. They finally pulled over and I floored it past them out of frustration and right into a police car on a bridge with a mobile speed camera. Grumble.
I stayed at 9hours in Kyoto and someone was playing a fucking harmonica at about 5am. Also, people using electric shavers and toothbrushes in their pods instead of going to the bathrooms on the top floor.