
Well, this explains the whole exhaust-noises-from-the-radio thing. Exhaust sounds will be a customer added option in the future. "Ok Mr. Torchinsky, that's the optional leather seating, heated visor mirror and the M3 engine noise package. For $1104 more we can throw in the V12 sound as well!"

Can we get some math behind the Scrooge McDuck thing? I'd like to know precisely how many coins I would need to recreate this.

Check out my timeline cover too :)

Don't hold it there. Hold it cradled in your hand (I use my left) with your index finger about 2/3 of the way up and your pinky finger at the bottom corner. My thumb can reach the whole screen of my MotoX.

I just use a piece of cardboard with two holes pokes in it the distance of the radius I need. I put something pointy in the middle part (nail) and a pencil in the other hole and just draw a circle letting the cardboard rotate. Super fast if you need to draw a bunch of them.

I've spent too much time watching this. Talk about a time sink. Water you doing to me?

that is a small fuel hose.... Especially for 'D'iesel.

Thanks captain fun.

Horsepower is the least of their concerns down under.

Right now interacting with my xbox with voice commands feels unresponsive and a bit empty - all you get is that corner message either confirming the command or confirming you've successfully confused the machine. Bring on the Cortana.

Cmere an let me give you a wedgie!

Like a WRX S4 amirite?

I assume most people over here know what kind to get.

I own two dogs and never leave them in the car, if they cannot come with me at my destination they stay home.

What they say: Make the apps safer to use, increase awareness on the road, make navigation easier for all.

"Hey buddy, step out of that old piece of shit into a new piece of shit."

Now playing

I can't help but chuckle every time I watch this scene:

My fiance and I just watched that recently and now whenever we have to make some crappy grown up decision we both say at the same time it's for "The greater good."

Not a Pontiac Aztek. How close am I?