
I recall seeing that logo from an old racing game, which was not WipeOut.

My Serena! NOOO!!!

Kevin Carter is a Pulitzer Prize-winning photographer, who shot an infamous photograph of the affects of famine in 1993 Sudan. After winning the prize, people claimed that he should have never received the prize because he did not do anything to save the child in the photo, but used the boy as an object. Carter went

I met a girl in the same situation as the boy, but instead of an amazing ride in her favorite car, she didn't get anything. She passed away 4 weeks ago.

Don't forget Indonesia, Netherland's takeover was switched to Japan's.

Buy the Porsche license off EA and share it to everyone, because sharing is caring! :3

These are the same people who cancelled Clone High.

So obvious.

At least your mom likes you. Unlike mine, who is also pretty much in the same character as you mom's.

The problem with Japanese romanji..

Good thing to not buy it............................................

Can only play it on the Xbox humm?

Oh my goodness, it's like my old Game Boy Color. **cries**

I've noticed how Namco Bandai has started to target the PC community with Dark Souls, Ridge Racer Unbounded, and allowing their Tekken characters in Fail Game of the Year to be on PC.

Double Fine is a company filled with people who don't have the Supertaster ability.

Forgot power steering.

Until the King of Cosmos incinerates it.. :'(

Oh wow, I have this going on right now with Ridge Racer 7.

After seeing the GTA example, it reminded me of a movie idea where it shows a family living in a world where really sad/awesome/terrifying/inspirational events happen around them, which are direct cameos of movies. Let's say Spiderman made it on the news, and at school a kid overhears a conversation about it.