
How about I do you a favor and help you *not* find it?

This is a really good ad for getting pregnant.

Most of them, from what I've seen. The Googlefu is strong in this commentariat.

At one point the child was wearing a sweater with a knit fried egg on the front. I need this in adult size.

To be fair, I've rarely seen a cute newborn. They all look like grumpy raisins to me and take a while to get cute. When friends put their newborn baby pictures on facebook, I really struggle to join the masses and gush over how cute it is, because it just isn't (yet).

Is there nothing that song can't change from just great to MAGNIFICENT???

I see they too use the world's best highchair.

Walking before a year?

Ow, I think I just ovulated. Also, babies always look so happy in those jumper harness things you hang in doorways. They should make those for adults. I think spending a few contemplative moments bouncing around in one of those things would be a really good way to unwind after a bad day at work.

Mine's 8. I'm probably never going to get there.

A video reaction, as told in GIFS:

What people never mention about The Searchers is that John Wayne begins the film looking for his niece because she was kidnapped by Native Americans. But after he doesn't find her for a while, he's begins looking for her so that he can KILL HER because he assumes at that point her kidnappers will have raped her, and

Now playing

It's a lot less poignant if you play "Yakety Sax" over it instead of the heartstring music. Still cute either way, though.

I think what is so lovely about this video (besides the obvious), is how much JOY these parents seem to take in their child. I am probably going to to remain child free, but this was maybe the first video I've ever watched, ever, that makes me think having a kid wouldn't be a horrible, horrible thing.

Did a web editor ask him to learn how to hyperlink or something?

I am 15 weeks pregnant with my first, and I am now in TEARS. Thanks, Cornwell. Thanks a lot.

This is a nice Exhibit A for the ugly baby article. We get to witness the transformation from ugly newborn to adorable child.

I don't like how this video is playing with my emotions. Every time that baby smiles I'm like, "Hey I guess one of those wouldn't be so bad." Then every five seconds later its crying and I'm like, "Ughh do not want." Its a goddamn roller coaster.

If by "the wrong side of a historical transition" he means ever so slowly losing some of the extreme amount of privilege that comes with having a penis, yeah. Sure. I suppose you could call that "losing"

Or, he could say less winning maybe? Or, perhaps he could mention that it's an awfully slow march to equality.

Could she maybe be dismissing his claim because study after study have shown that in the classroom, teachers are biased towards boys—they call on them more often, take their questions and answers more seriously, praise their work more readily, and punish them for acting out less often? Could it be because boys