
YES. I had a coworker who created an incredibly misogynistic "comedy" video. For work. For marketing. When another feminist coworker & I pointed out how offensive it was, his reaction was, "But I have daughters!"

I'm going to start by saying that I have not actually seen the music video, but according to the little description at the top of this article, I have to agree with you to an extent. Objectification is objectification, no matter what the circumstance. However, when it comes to pornography, one can argue that it

If anyone else in confused by this, this is not a true account but not something implausible... I've gotten messages from people who want to help me out, which I think is incredibly generous, but unneeded.

I also seriously question any woman's judgement who finds the shoes and the dancing in the naked version to be anything less than abhorrent, much less "sexy."

And it's not just that. It's that these people don't give a shit about said "precious life" is once it's born! They slash school lunch programs, food-stamp programs, welfare programs, before- and after-school childcare funding, and the list goes on and on.

And that is where my problem lies.

I don't think you can sue against something that isn't law yet. But before Rick Perry's signature dries on the thing (if it gets that far), someone can sue, and a judge can order it suspended pending legislation—I think. I'm sure lawyers are waiting in the wings on this one.

It's time to sue baby, sue. There's no way this holds up in court, and a reaffirmation of Roe v. Wade could help take the wind out of these fuckers' sails.

Can you guys help me out?

Robin Thicke is THE WORST.

The problem is that they all contribute to the same culture. What happens is that we let all these "little" things pass with nary a peep, then act surprised when people raised on these values as a culture don't have respect for women. It's hard and tiring to fight against a culture that encourages "no just means try

It is similar to the "My black/Hispanic/Asian friend thought the joke was funny! I can't be racist!" argument, in that the opinion of one member of a minority group doesn't constitute The End All Be All Of What Is Okay.

I think Robin Thicke's a fuckin asshole (to put it eloquently). Have for a long time now. That is all.

Douche-bag hair.

Leaks are boring. But you know what aren't? LEEKS. So good.

Now playing

When I wanna hear Marvin Gaye, I'll listen to his music, instead of this pathetic weasel who couldn't come up with anything worth a damn on his own.

"Blurred Lines" was better when it was "Got to Give It Up" by Marvin Gaye.

I think I would watch a network run by actual foxes. I imagine it has lots of beautiful nature shows occasionally interrupted by anti-fox hunting PSAs, and that it shows The Fantastic Mr. Fox every weekend. That certainly sounds better than a network run by Rupert Murdoch.

Babies (twins) and they're great.