
I just wanted to say thank you for taking the time to respond. Sometimes all it takes is a few kind words. So, thank you.

I'm so sorry that you're going through this, and I don't think your weight is actually the issue here. Not that people aren't attracted to specific body types — they are. But it's the way that you're phrasing it that makes me think there's a different issue here: "My husband HATES my body, and quite honestly tells me

You are not being unreasonable in any way shape or form. It sounds like your husband has some serious insecurities of his own if he's constantly belittling you. Telling you that he's going to walk if you don't lose weight definitely isn't love and I'm sorry he's being such a dick. An active, healthy lifestyle is

I have a friend whose husband gave her the same load of shit - "I'll never be attracted to you unless you weigh ___ pounds and get breast implants." The weight was what she weighed in the 8th grade. And she ended up working it out with him. It involved a lot of therapy and both of them getting much healthier. I don't

Wow. Your husband is a douche canoe. You seem like you're in a good place with your body and your eating habits, so don't lose the weight. If your husband walks, tell him good riddance.

I SO agree with SeaAnemone. That's just mean and awful. I'm assuming he's the absolute PICTURE of perfection, thereby having the right to criticize your appearance. Ugh.

Here's the thing - there's no "fixing it." People's bodies change over time, it's part of growing old together. Even if you lose the weight now, other things will happen over time.

Sorry to be harsh, but your husband sounds like an abusive dick.

This bums me out for you. I'm not sure why a size 8 is anything to not be happy with, especially after having two kids. Are you happy otherwise? Does weight really matter so much that he would leave the mother of his kids? Here are my thoughts:

I'm sorry, that's terrible. I've gained like 40 pounds since I met my husband (gradually, over 9 years) and I haven't even had any kids! Give yourself a break! You made two HUMAN BEINGS in your body. Fuck him if he doesn't like your new body, there are a lot of women that would LOVE to be a size 8. (me included!)

That's not losing weight for love, that's losing weight for a manipulative, controlling asshole. Here's how to lose weight - lose 180 lbs by divorcing that dumbass.

Oh, it's not accidental. There are people like Rush Limbaugh who devote a lot of time ti bashing not just feminists but women. Remember Sandra Fluke?

The thing is, I know he is being a douche-bag and this makes me want to work out even less. I just want to be loved for being a good wife, mother, friend, etc. Why is that so much to ask?

You are not being unreasonable at all! That is a pretty douchey move on your husband's part, and frankly, pretty emotionally abusive. I've gained about 20-25 lbs since my husband and I have been together, which I'm a bit self-conscious about (I was slightly underweight when we started dating due to some restricted

Here's one of the sweetest stories I know:

My great aunt received a promise ring from her high school sweetheart when they were 15, but he was shipped off to war and her parents didn't approve. He wrote her letters often, but she was set-up for marriage to someone else and they lost touch. Last year, after almost 70

My husband and I have been married almost 30 years. He's my best friend, he cracks me up, and he's kind.

I married my high school sweetheart. We found out the day before our wedding his brother and his wife were getting a divorce. So I know how you feel. It definitely put a slight damper on things.

Check out this post over on GroupThink... the comments are full of happy marriage tails. I've been married 5 years, and we're happier now than we were when we first met. The (admittedly few) years have made us a stronger couple, more of a team, a better functioning unit, than we were early on. Of course marriage

My hubby is my best friend. I think you have to love and respect your partner. Life brings bad moments and good moments, you need someone to stay with you through both.