Anyone have a source for Love's top?
Anyone have a source for Love's top?
@Froglin: It would seem this sort of spending was part of their daily life and keeping up with each other. Once Bravo got in the door we just were given a bird's eye view of the goings ons.
@WhoreHound: I have no clue as to how she conceived any or all of her children but there is a claim for an outstanding debt of $12,000 to a fertility clinic as per the Bankruptcy filing.
@msridiculous447: No, it's "Bouffant".
@SNEAKERS: They were too busy watching My Big Fat Wedding to see that episode of Behind The Music.
I found it laughable in the RHONJ episode where the Manzos threw the fundraiser for the Sherriff (of Passaic County) that Caroline was hootin' & laughing about about Danielle owing $400 to Posche Boutique.
@DorothyBarker: Hearted for this.
@WashingMyHair: I would hope so, especially considering it is an elective process/procedure.
@SNEAKERS: I do agree with you but, more specifically I should have actually referred to Theresa who is on her 2nd Bankruptcy proceeding.
@Love Monkey: I agree but that's no excuse not to pay. The rest of "rank and file" types are out here working and paying those same tax rates and in the same communities as these ladies. The difference being that, while we have some debt, the majority of us spend within our means and am not focused on spending large…
Fertility doctors need to take a page from the Plastic Surgeon playbook and demand payment in full at the time of services. Imagine paying for breast augmentation but not the services that most likely, if not definitively, gave you the ability to bear any or all of your 4 children?
@SNEAKERS: This is where I lose my mind over this. It's seems there is a subset of people who feel they can rack up bills and just walk away while the rest of us struggle to pay off those bills and at a premium if you make a late payment or 2 and get whacked with some heavy handed interest rate hikes.
This article should be updated to reflect the fact that Danielle's house is listed for Tax Sale in Wayne Township with Real Property or Water & Sewer arrears in the approximate sum of $2,000.
@snacktastic: Agreed, and in full. The only difference being that it was my therapist and not my mother pointing out how I can launch an assault with words alone. As my therapist put it I am "succinct" and can "very simply and calmly take someone down verbally".
We need more stories like the Jason Mraz one. It's a nice change from the usual variety about talentless people famous for nothing other than being wealthy or getting into trouble and/or causing a scene for the benefit of nobody but themselves, their egos and their bank accounts.
What eyeliner is she rocking?
Annie gets orphaned, again.
@booter26: I am so happy to read your mention of "Dirt" by Demeter. I've been wearing it since the early 90's! When people see the bottle with the "Dirt" label or if I mention I wear it I get all sorts of odd looks but when people smell it they just love it. So earthy, fresh and clean, although it does smell like dirt…
Ugggh....that's Starbucks is in a strip mall which is a few stores away from Preakness Diner (scene of the invite to the baby's fundraising event), and a few stores down from Posche (the boutique that one of the Kim G's owns). I cringe every time I go over there especially during filming season...last thing I want to…