
@veronykah: And a heart for you as well. :)

@pirhan: But of course, we parentals of the 4-legged variety need to stick together, it's a jungle out there!

I am a childfree dog owner. I loathe people allowing their dogs to run free to do whatever they want as they turn a blind eye or take the position of "they are just being dogs". I also loathe parents that do not parent their kids and allow them to do whatever they want as they turn a blind eye or take the position of

@RedLantern: You must not have had the pleasure to visit Park Slope (Brooklyn) in recent years.

@B.A.P.: Thank you. The word seems made for the moment!

@SamIam24: I'm a huge Are You Being Served? fan. It never gets old and is just hilarious.

@weetziebat: A friend of mine is just coming back to NJ after a year of teaching English in Chile!

@TessPeabody: I'm watching The Hangover too and while reading Jez just realized how cool the soundtrack is. I hadn't noticed when I saw it in the theater.

@theovercoat: That a girl! It's my standard for walking through parking lots when alone!

@theovercoat: Yes, it's a good rule of thumb whenever out and about alone, especially after a drink or ten when your judgment may be impaired.

@alamode: Believe it or not it's actually easier to meet people and chat when you are solo than with your friends.

@OverThatRainbow: Further proof dogs DO smile! Dog owners already know this though!

@megnificent: My doses of Henry Cavill as Charles Brandon of Suffolk get me thorugh the day. Oh hell, any dose of Henry Cavill gets me through the day.

@fridaphile: As long as you enjoy yourself while doing what you want and doing it of your own free will then good for you. Rock on with your bad self! :)

@IfWhiskeyWereAWoman: I second that approach because it allows you to be out among the people while giving you a bit of an icebreaker to start talking with others.

@Penny: Call me in sane but I took what she said some sort of modified version of patting herself on the back.

@ObservantUnderachiever: Similarly, it's my dogs' snoring which is so peacefully delightful and heartwarming. Also, they have this move while they fall deeper into slumber, beginning to stretch out into different positions, that they have no bones (pun intended) about thrashing their spine, in the tail region,