Puritans in mourning get their couture on.
Puritans in mourning get their couture on.
@BirdFrog: "Waffle House refugee".
@Alohamaid: She's so beautiful and perfect she only needs maintenance or enhancements of the breasts. ;)
@Sev: Don't you know Alexis is always right, unless of course, Jim tells her otherwise.
@BuffySummers: That was quite a breath taker!
"It's so fun to be in a plastic surgeon's facility"?!?!?! Classic. Sounds like a regular funfest being poked, prodded, inflated, stretched, swollen, bruised and sewn up. Can we get a Vicki style "Woo Hoo!" ?!?!?
@lalie (apologetic mess): LOL...you and me both! First thought that came to mind was "oh, my hair looks just like RB's, now I don't feel so bad." :D
@CrazyLegsMeg: I thought on camera she had said now that she is 32 she needs to get Botox every 6 months as opposed the when she was 27 and only needed it once a year.
$5 says this hair will be the next hot cut with the Jersey Shore crew.
That soft green carpeting goes a long way to frame out this photo as the ultimate compliment to the subject.
SATC2: Carrie Moves On Up From The Penthouse To The Whitehouse.
I've always lusted for a glossy black door just like that!
@BabyJane: This was bittersweet for me. It annoyed me that Vicki turned to Jeana yet I felt that Jeana musthave somehow felt vindicated had even a small twinkle of an "I told you so" moment.
I wanted to slap Alexis when she said her mother "looks so plain".
@megnificent: I have not but it is now on my just read list!
@orphanjannie: @CremeBruDont:
Dance your cares away
This is how the tradition of "wakes" came into being. Many people would "wake from the dead" ...so as the story goes, they began to tie bells on the decedent in the event they would move, the bell would ring and so the loved ones would sit and wait it out before burying. There are many stories of the supposed dead…
@carinamarie: Spot on!
If her top were form fitting she would appear about as thin as her Blackberry.