
Ass-virgin....go ahead call me a prude, I don't mind.

I can't get past "...that bloke in the graveyard..."

Is it the photo angle in combination with the empire-y waistline that is making her arms appear ape-ishly long? Also, her body (what you can see of it) is looking a little Farmer Ted on on alight dose of roids.

It's official, I am now off the Gang Karee (my fave dish)....and quite possibly for good.

Further proving she is a thief thru and thru...if it ain't beauty supplies it's album lest she doesn't discriminate when it comes to her thievery.

Sorry for the dupe posting...having PC issues here at my own technically outdated & sexually hostile workplace environment.

Leave it to Japen to once again be "cutting edge" and on the forefront of all things by providing an equally sexually hostile workplace environment for both men and woman...for once the double standard has been shaken, not stirred.

Gotta love Japan being all "cutting edge" by going hardcore when it comes to providing equally sexually hostile workplace environments for both men and woman...for once the double standard has been shaken.

These yahoos must be directly related to the "God Hates Fags" whackjobs?

Trying to distract us with her oversized costume bling and cleavage...who walks the streets of NYC like that????

Voted for "catbag" b/c it's too good...but what about the old standard "Muff"???