Maybe he didn’t get that thing you sent him?
I thought Clark Gregg’s character was killed in Being Fibber McGee & Molly. How are they going to bring him back?
I’ve never seen a bear in my building’s 20th-floor hot tub. Our bear patrol must be working like a charm.
I just watched the Henry Thomas move Cloak & Dagger last night, and now this.
Man, Antz just got dark.
This is not the Rutherford B. Hayes miniseries I have clamored for.
Kids love Jürgen Prochnow.
Oh I love these fuckin things. What other food comes in a “sack”? Somehow I’ve never lived anywhere near one, it’s always been a rare treat when I stumble upon them in the wild. Perhaps that’s for the best though.
And a monorail.
Shows what he knows. Both my grammys are dead! My grampys too.
I always thought it was odd he lived in that dream house, with a beautiful wife, a son who owns a factory and lobster for dinner.. Meanwhile I live in a single room over a bowling alley and under another bowling alley.
This is why I only let my dog eat what he finds on the street. This week, that includes a pork chop bone, chicken bones, sliced bread, breakfast cereal, another dog’s barf, a dead sparrow, the back half of a small fish (?), and a very large bird’s foot (????!!!!). Maybe from a Canada Goose? I don’t know, it’s in…
These don’t look appetizing to me.
No better way for me to lose my enthusiasm for a new Melissa McCarthy movie than finding out that her husband wrote/directed it. God bless them, they seem like they’re very happy, but he is killing any momentum she once had with these god-awful movies.