
Maybe he didn’t get that thing you sent him?

I thought Clark Gregg’s character was killed in Being Fibber McGee & Molly. How are they going to bring him back?

I’ve never seen a bear in my building’s 20th-floor hot tub. Our bear patrol must be working like a charm.

I just watched the Henry Thomas move Cloak & Dagger last night, and now this.

only ever gotten a “’thanks’ here or there” for creating a character

Man, Antz just got dark.

This is not the Rutherford B. Hayes miniseries I have clamored for.

Kids love Jürgen Prochnow. 

Oh I love these fuckin things. What other food comes in a “sack”? Somehow I’ve never lived anywhere near one, it’s always been a rare treat when I stumble upon them in the wild. Perhaps that’s for the best though. 

And a monorail.

Shows what he knows. Both my grammys are dead! My grampys too. 

I always thought it was odd he lived in that dream house, with a beautiful wife, a son who owns a factory and lobster for dinner.. Meanwhile I live in a single room over a bowling alley and under another bowling alley.

This is why I only let my dog eat what he finds on the street. This week, that includes a pork chop bone, chicken bones, sliced bread, breakfast cereal, another dog’s barf, a dead sparrow, the back half of a small fish (?), and a very large bird’s foot (????!!!!). Maybe from a Canada Goose? I don’t know, it’s in

These don’t look appetizing to me.

These things are terrible. They’re completely flavorless and the texture is just offputting. Please stop putting them on my pizzas, thanks.

No better way for me to lose my enthusiasm for a new Melissa McCarthy movie than finding out that her husband wrote/directed it. God bless them, they seem like they’re very happy, but he is killing any momentum she once had with these god-awful movies. 

If the competition does not consist of getting an arcade cabinet across a busy street what are they even doing?