
Lucky LeBron got knocked out of the playoffs so early  so he can rescue him.....

It’s going to be the former guy.

Well, maybe a little. But I kid because I love......


Was she making music and touring?

I saw a picture of her with her Dad.

That would have been trouble.

I find it more disturbing that there are over 100 women who aren’t celebrities who have also won the crown.

What’s cool is that if you got your old job back you’d still be starting at $7.25 an hour.....

Isn’t Kosher Law just an early health code with religious trappings to scare the rubes?

The kid in the wheelchair regained the use of his legs......


Is there really a lot of dark money in local school board elections?

I would like to know who plays Barbarino, Washington, Epstein, and of course Mister Kotter.

I think we’re all pretty okay with this.....

M.O.D.O.K. was a C-List villain for 40 years and would have been a C-List villain forever if a kid’s comic didn’t try something a little different.

The secret is the exercise you get chasing them down before you bite their heads off.....

Little know fact: Ernest Hemingway’s lost suitcase contained stories he wrote for Weird Tales.

She was always openly unhappy about Christine Baranski being funnier than her on Cybil, to the detriment of the show and to everyone around her.

Bull opened to great fanfare, got terrible reviews, and no one ever talked about what was on the screen after the 2nd or 3rd episode. I guess they found a demographic where they’re just going to run it out there forever.....