
Got The Division yesterday and was skeptical if I’d really get into it or far so good, enjoying it. It oddly reminds me of Freedom Fighters which I played to death back in the day

Freedom Fighters was the shit! I used to play 4 player split screen on that all the time with my friends! I still quote lines from that game with my friends. Freedom Fighters will always have a place in my heart.

You just took “the red” pill of gaming

I saw someone talk about replaying Freedom Fighters the other day and I got super nostalgic. I never owned the game but I rented it a ton to beat the game. I don’t think I ever got past the assassination mission on Liberty Island.

Freedom Fighters was my shit back then. My roommate and I would be on it for hours. The game had its faults but it was fun as hell. Thought Black and Vandal Hearts were damn good too.

The : is silent. You pronounce the (.

Now playing

The novelty of bubbles probably wore off when you turned six or seven, but that’s because all you could do was watch them drift to the ground and pop. Imagine if instead those bubbles were not only edible, but tasted as sweet as candy?

Fries and mayo is delicious, you’re a fool!

Vasquez Rocks! ;)


reminds me a bit of visionaries.


He’ll be all right. Roll Charlie around. Roll him around a little.


Ha, yeah. Freddy and I are facebook buddies. I’m sure we’ll get the chance to meet for real sometime soon. He’s a lot better at this than I am though!

I cannot *NOT* say this character’s name in The Swedish Chef’s voice.

Clarification: every language is pretty stupid.

Stop using that meme. You dont know how to do it properly.

The only thing that would make this game more exciting for me is if they announced Vivi as a playable character.

Or really any of the FFIX characters.

And B-Wings. It should have B-Wings.