
The one where Eren does essentially nothing? Then the show turns into an Eva clone without the sense of pacing, pathos, or interesting characters? The one where an ENTIRE EPISODE IS SPENT ON ARMEN GETTING COURAGE?!

Space Dandy is pretty terrible though. It greases by on tits and nice animation despite having NO story and no really meaningful events. By the third episode in, it should have addressed at least SOMETHING of worth with regard to the overarching plot.

Two of my favorite

If they make a zidane/ff9 version of this I will instabuy.

Man, genre work does have the best headgear. Here's one that fulfilled every bad-ass fantasy I ever held:

Not to mention what the horse is wearing.

Odd... that's not the Roman Numeral for 9... I think you made a typo, it's IX.

You sound like a pretty retarded person.

Just like the rest of this city you seep of white privilege. Amazing how you love the fact that so many black men brought you joy but you continue to do all that you can in making this the 5th Whitest city in America! The real bums are the crooked politicians and corporate bastards who line their pockets. Yes,

This comment has so much win in it. :D

I think she looks cute with short hair...

I actually love the name. It doesn't make any sense apparently, but it just sounds good.

Eh, I would actually try it before I'd condemn it.

You just described the contents of a large chunk of the Bible as well as this comic.

It's even easier to keep up with the story when they spend 15 minutes each episode retreading what happened before.


fuck vinyl figures.

Am I crazy, or is that Roger Sterling and Joan Holloway from Mad Men in pony form at the end of that clip?

Wow, a video editor wrote a better article than Tim Rogers, a supposed writer.

Just look at that face.