
Who is that that sounds like Kermit the Frog in the vid?

I think you meant to write “A New Hope”?

Read the article did you

Oops sorry I must’ve missed the WoD clarification, see it now. Don’t mind me :D

It’s a shame that you’ve completely discounted Invincible.

I am dying to see how Chloe’s ass looks in the PS4 version. One of the 3 best video game butts, ever

Now playing

Visionaries was the goddamned best. great intro too!

I love you for making this Pitch Perfect reference.


Eddie Murphy standup, Delirious

Lookit Charlie standin over there with 3rd degree burns on him. Eating a muthafuckin FRANK.

I absolutely hate the way she pronounced “Motoko”.

Slow news day commenter?

I returned for WoD and it was fun for a while, though really I returned in order to loot Invincible. It dropped after about 6 months of farming between 5 toons weekly and I felt like I did everything I wanted to do. I think I just like loot games.

I used this same race/sex/hair combination. Looks awesome.


I don’t even care how bad it is. I’ll see anything that has Elizabeth Gilles in it.

This makes me want to build a Lego Edelweiss.

The only music-centric anime I’ve seen is Sakamichi No Apollon/Kids on the Slope. Fucking loved it. How does this one compare, if at all?

Put a long-tailed leather duster coat on and you have a Destiny Warlock with a hand cannon