
I love the tag and will never tire of it.

All I said was that users are more beautiful than safe queens. No need to think it out so much.

Users are so much more beautiful than safe queens.

Volleyball rematch or no sale

Quote: not that clever

I am so down for any excuse you can come up with to include an Adam Hughes illustration.

I’m fucking ecstatic that DiTerlizzi is getting props. His work has been awesome for as long as I can remember. Was first introduced to it with the Planescape D&D scenario, and the accompanying Blood Wars CCG.

You are terrible. Learn to read

What knife is that in the pics - looks like a stripped ESEE-6?

Holy crap did I miss a Jae Lee drawn Justice League? His stuff was fantastic on his Inhumans mini-series.

Where did you get the info about the trade paperback? Looked, found nothing

Spellcheck, homie.

That Franklin-flip-off-forklift clip was fantastic.

Most grating voice personality, ever.

One link to the clip would have been enough.

You must really think this Family Guy clip is super clever to have posted it three times in the same thread. Settle down

Fantastic, super fun movie.

Art Adams co-founded the X-Babies

He penciled one of my favorite issues of any comic ever

He also did fantastic pages like this (for the Asgardian Wars arc)