
On a semi-related note: has anyone read up on Son Doong cave in Vietnam? It's the largest cave in the world, and contains its own river and jungle. Fucking amazing and beautiful.

Update: This article has been edited for clarity, composition, and a few extra details.

People just LOVE to call people out on the internet, even when they did nothing wrong.

"Personally, it doesn't seem like such a big deal to me, and certainly not all the reactions in the post are in agreement with the original poster."

Need some in-house economy? I can run a mean dice game.

So this donut postulates that the errant placement of an avatar's tail (TAIL) and the misshapen buttocks are fucking with their experience and immersion?

My first exposure to Terada's work was with the cover of the strategy guide for the first RPG I EVER played, Dragon Warrior on NES. Incredible artist, then and now.

I am so down with the order.

No PSN SOTN deal equivalent?

Politics aside, this is very humanizing to see. I dig it

Now playing

Death Blossom totally rules. Theoretically.


So Mormons don't watch porn, huh?

I TOTALLY remember the ref now. The episode where the clingy kid got stuck in the ceiling stage lamp

Must have missed that ref in S&K. Which episode was that?

Shame to hear the backstory as to why it's not on anymore.

Thank GOD someone else feels this way. I'm way to old to be part of the show's target demographic I'm sure, but it's just really fun to watch

Holy shit is that a gif from Victorious?

Two Google searches would have saved you a lot of typing and grief.

If this is true, I can't possibly be mad at you for the spoiler.