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But... but what of Fernando Martinez and New Beginnings? I need a blessing!

I need to BE SAVED

Bourdain fan?


I'm not sure why, but this article just made me really, really fall in love with comics again.

There is a food truck in Cali called Koja Kitchen that makes these. Delicious stuff. The caveat is that the rice buns will fall apart, leading to a pretty messy meal.

Say "I'll believe it when I see it" again. Still not sure how you feel

That's fine, as long as you're okay with my LoftCube being built on top of said penthouse.

I would totally live in that LoftCube.

That DS9 Kira is pretty close

All good. I just like giving people a hard time :) No harm no foul

Alright we get it you like photoshopping bananas into pictures of guys with open hands. We got it the first two times too

The yellow ship and the second to last image remind me of the Tau Empire

Classic is defined as "judged over a period of time to be of the highest quality and outstanding of its kind" - so it doesn't necessarily mean it has to be old or otherwise dated.

And it bothered you enough to comment in it? You seem miserable

The last great FF game was on PS1.

As far as digital media goes, I usually opt for ownership. Given the choice between streaming from a service or buying a hard copy (or otherwise "borrowing" from the internet), I tend to go for the latter.

I just like their armor, the design (especially the helms) is cool. I'm more partial to Imperial Fists (Lysander!)

Shame, I know. What the hell is wrong with people??? Sheesh

Actually, only the first and third are Grey Knights, the other two are Terminators from other chapters

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Is this what you're talking about? This was a one-shot short on Liquid Television.

The first crossover I recall loving was Fall of the Mutants. The I fell in love with Inferno. But there's another X-crossover that was just awesome to me: The Evolutionary War.