
The original poster's argument is a dead horse. This discussion has come up in pretty much every single Kotaku article about Dragon's Crown. This post is a review - a review that addressed it and then refocused on the actual game. If someone wants to be sour about the objectification of women through video game art,

Didn't name call, just saying what I perceive him to be. You try again now

Christ, you are a misery

Leo, I appreciate your hair

Some games will never grow old; some games I will never tire of.

Madmartigan was devilishly charming! And let's not forget that he was the greatest swordsman that ever lived!

Read better

Was that a mouse cursor I saw throughout the footage? Or was that something that's controlled through the console's analog stick?

Somehow I knew that you'd be the one to respond to my question. You like Suikoden. You just get me, I guess.

Are all of the Gawker sites contained in one office building? What site writers/editors are the best dressed? Who has the best taste in food (justify with examples, please)? Any interesting interoffice rivalries to speak of? And finally, if y'all are not in California, could you please send me some foie gras?

I read that as paladin.


While I don't care for your dismissals, I enjoyed your take on my screen name.

Thanks for the recommendations! Will check those out

So you're gonna hate on something that is incredibly popular? Maybe stop using the internet then, I'm pretty sure you're gonna be disappointed. A lot.

I prefer the version with Laughing Octopus

I don't wanna be ghost hacked.

The ship in the main image looks like The Carrier from Image Comics' The Authority

I've gravitated back toward GITS:SAC and Cowboy Bebop. Nowadays something like Kids on the Slope is about as muchangst as I can take (this one gets a hall pass though because of the great music)