Nikola Tesla

Well played, old boy.

Unless it was in WWII Germany. Then there's time travel and we all win.


9-5 wagons are pretty dope, I'd not say no to one.

A little extra info for tying crap down to my Thule? I'll take it. I'd love to see more of these articles, Ben.

Somebody get a mic on those pipes, stat. I want to hear this thing.

Wait, people should respect each other? I'm tempted to call shenanigans.

I gotta be honest, I'd never pay that much for a Cherokee, but conversely, I've never seen one that wasn't half-rusted and filthy inside.

I'm looking forward to this, for a few reasons.

I've got the James May Fizz.

Get the fuck out, and take your tiny peepee and Tapout shirt with you.

We got this, bro.

That damn honkey has done everything, hasn't he?

He was being a bit of a dick, though.

On the negative side, that's got to be giganto ball sweat, what with the seal between his boys and that leather seat.

Volvo, as a fan of your general products, I plead with you, make this happen, at least one a reasonable level. If the T6 is stout, show it off. Toss a stick in there; you'll at the very least get a ton of street cred. Ohlins at the corners? that's a way to say serious really quick.

I'll admit it, if not slightly begrudgingly.

Unless she burns dinner.

But then we'd see the bike rack, no? Unless he's one of those madmen who barely attaches the front wheel to the rack.