Games are not a right. You are not entitled to play them. If you can’t afford them, you don’t play them. It’s that simple. I’m not going to steal a Ferrari because $300,000 is a lot to spend on a car and I wouldn’t be able to drive one otherwise.
Games are not a right. You are not entitled to play them. If you can’t afford them, you don’t play them. It’s that simple. I’m not going to steal a Ferrari because $300,000 is a lot to spend on a car and I wouldn’t be able to drive one otherwise.
When anyone says “But I don’t want to look too bulky and muscular!” it is literally an insult to people who have defined muscle.
Jesus. I’m 34 and grew up with Star Wars. I went to see the updated films in theaters in the 90’s. I cut school to see the first showing of Phantom Menace having bought the tickets 3 weeks in advance. I have the original VHS box set that I am NEVER getting rid of since it’s the BEST version. And I wasn’t the only girl…
Why take out the core? The core is the best part!
You hit the nail on the head with the “lifestyle childhood” bullshit that goes on. I really had to swim against the tide in order not to get caught up in it when my kids were little. Obviously when the kids are tiny and constantly trying to kill themselves, it’s hard to relax and have free time because you do have to…
My Dad described yesterday’s affair perfectly; “one increasingly presidential looking lady surrounded by a circus of sweaty assholes”.
Noice. Reminds me of our Lord and Savior Gordon Ramsay:
16 and 17 are old enough to manage this, they’ll be in college and on their own soon enough. In some places one or both would already have their own driver license and car. But I think the issue is kids younger than this, who are NOT competent to cope if something goes wrong.
I would NEVER let my children in the hands of a transportation sharing company. This would eventually lead parents to lose their children to foster care should anything bad happen.
Amen to that. My husband and I fell in love with each other without realizing it hanging out as friends eating out and walking around Target. No wine, no fine dining. Just us talking to each other and being there for each other. And then one day we realized, there wasn’t anyone else we wanted to spend time with more…
Or instead of playing mind games with people, you could try being honest with them. Why make a guy analyze what you're saying thru a bullshit strawman filter?
I bought a pumpkin cheesecake cookie on my way home tonight and I am already starting to think about my turtleneck sweaters. I am a tried and true member of the cult of autumn. Caramel coloring or no caramel coloring I am a sheep and will consume all of your fake fall goods.
Wrong. Millennials are in trouble because the baby boomers have robbed the system blind. Their greed has left the millenial generation (and all others) holding the bag for failed economic policies.