Because freshly shaved + jeans = amazing! Cool sheets are the runner up.
Because freshly shaved + jeans = amazing! Cool sheets are the runner up.
It took me awhile to come to terms with this fact. When calories started appearing on menus, I got pissed realizing that not only are the average portion sizes disgustingly huge, but there was additional crap loaded into things that made them two-three times the amount of calories a normal home-made version of the…
I need tips on how to hide 9 pounds of body fat so that neither myself nor anyone else will notice. Do you *know* how many cookies I would get away with eating?
Good gravy, this man. Thanks for sharing!
>.> I have a shame.
Throwing kids into the mix is the #1 most stressful part. You love the hell out of your kids but the truth is that if I did not have to come home after my eight hours at the office to face the feeding, homework, extracurricular activities, the bickering and whining, and finally the never-ending list of housework that…
My and my daughters' tests for Celiac all came back negative and we've got keratosis pilaris. I think the one associated with gluten intolerance is dermatitis herpetiformis, not keratosis pilaris, but I may be wrong.
Definitely agree here. I have one child who is a solid 85lb at 10 and the other is 70lb at 12 — they are the same height and wear the same size clothing, yet the 10 year old BMI indicates she is obese. Our doctor said this is a great example that shows how unreliable BMI is because it does not take into account…
I don't know that I find humor in much of this; a couple I could relate to, but for the most part I find this to be sad. This is how socially disconnected and unsupported life is for parents, at least here in the US. We need to do better as a society.
My thoughts exactly. This Roake person quoted in the article hasn't got a clue about the show. Fe is fantastic in so many ways.
As stated by others: regardless of what we choose to do with our bodies, pregnant or otherwise, women are relentlessly criticized for those choices. Personally, I made the mistake of believing pregnancy is a delicate time that requires lots of non-strenuous activity. Eff that. Biggest mistake I ever made was to buy…
Ugh, I don't think so. I want separate rooms so that I can sleep with windows open year round, go for a walk-about to every corner of the bed, and not ever be disturbed by my spousal unit's snoring. Plus no more grumbling about my punching or kicking him in my sleep. Seriously, what's with all this touchy-feely…
Thank you for posting this. :)
Augh that last line was wrenching.