blu-ray, floppy - same amount of irrelevance
blu-ray, floppy - same amount of irrelevance
Say, maybe we can use it for something after all.
That could have easily happened for your physical version, too. You don’t own a game, when you buy the disc. You just bought a license to play it and a convenient way to copy data.
You are so insensitive!! Not only are there no black people in the game, i don’t see a GODDAMN Asian ANYWHERE! No Jews, no eskimos! Serious xenophobia and white supremacy!
This game lacks serious feminism equality too! 1/10 would not play this game!
“The game with all the white people”
as a former wrestler you can honestly say he is already a stuntman.
C’mon wireless PC adapter...
They weren’t kidding when they said bots scale to your MMR. Well played ETC. I for one accept our robot overlords.
Black me
He and Kojima should just work on some new IP once Kojima hits the post-Konami days.
Well, lets see... I wonder if a vegetable garden with drip irrigation would work? Maybe a flower garden with drip irrigation? Native plants? Decorative landscaping? How about a Zoysia lawn? Some people enjoy rock gardens, or cacti or even a volleyball court. You could put in drought resistant trees? Shrubs?
All those are valid reasons why you would want to region lock a game, but not the entire platform. From a technological standpoint it’s not hard to open the platform, but keep the lock on some games for developers/countries that want this bullshit.
I found a typo, this video is actually for Madden 14.
Just what pre-orders deserve.
Remind me again why people are jizzing in their pants over a demo that involves walking repeatedly through the same hallway over and over and over that doesn’t add anything new and all of the LMAO “secrets” are the same over and over and over again...Especially considering its something that is never going to become a…
Both sides are hateful moronic movements that exist solely to circlejerk each other to feel morally superior whilst accomplishing fuck all. You can take this article as an example.
Community eti whatsmahuh?
I already gave you a clear genre of games that will find a use for it.
It was a bad system. You can support paid mods but this system was broken and showed signs of not being thought out very well....
Pretty much exactly what mod developers are saying. Even ARMA modders have attempted to go to this, such as the guys behind Six Updater (and even ACRE makes money as they sell an advanced version of that famous radio mod for the military grade version of Bohemia Interactives ARMA 3, VBS3. )