
It does? I thought that was Witcher 2.

The cross inside the circle means the intersection of worlds, hence the characters from different games.

What a grand waste of time.

Can’t wait for Black Ops 5

It’s not, they released a patch specifically for this today.

This looks amazing and it’s a cosmic injustice that I have to wait 2 weeks for it.

the similarity is uncanny

Maybe the third point, but definitely not the first two.

Terrible products. Terrible tweets. Terrible people. Makes sense to me.

I can’t wait for the ps4 portable.

Yeah it does lol

I actually think this one looks pretty good. It might look better if they’d render at 24fps.

I said reappropriation, which is what your example was of. That’s why it didn’t and still doesn’t make sense here. Nothing about why it’s completely fine for minorities to take ownership of racial slurs used against them has any relevancy to a white comic writer who appropriated Japanese culture.

Then you should realize that the topic at hand isn’t analogous to reappropriation.

You’re free to believe in all the delusions you’d like but it still doesn’t show me how your post applies to the topic at hand.

No, it didn’t.

4k text and UI wouldnt hurt :(

Best manchild gift I’ve ever given myself.

Best manchild gift I’ve ever given myself.

It will arrive later for double dippers.