
Exactly the point I’m making, it entirely depends on software running and not the method of distribution. DRM free digital downloads for xbox in the form of burnable iso’s would be heaven, but we know that would never happen.

Ok, but that doesn’t change the facts.

Physical disks aren’t actually protected from this either. How the bytes are distributed doesn’t actually matter. It’s the implementation and policies that do. Your physical disk of Destiny won’t save you when the servers go down do they?

I understand your concerns, but you have to realize this is an issue with the implementation and not the medium.

I used to do this pretending to be a jedi.

I really hope this is true.

Would you still say this to your grandmother if she donated something expensive?

My roommates thought I was watching porn when they heard that maid character speak

A-are you i-implying WWE isn’t real?

I thought the old system was fine. No flying until level cap and no flying in newly patched in areas until the area is quite old. It added yet another goal to reach and ensured players would experience and explore the ground world. The only problem about letting levelcaps fly while nobody else could is that it made

Finally, some real fanservice.

It’s in open beta right now.

I don’t know, it’s only a matter of time where AI in moba games become nearly unbeatable in the same way aimbots and chess bots work. A well programmed team of bots will never fail execution of mechanics, and with enough data, will eventually be able to handle higher level strategies. Salty Bet for Mobas please?

Twitch really needs to roll out its HTML5 player for desktop.

I wanted to swap out this real grass with turf here in San Diego, but the pouring rain and flash flood warnings today stopped me. A real bummer.

Yeah, it’s not like it has to be a Silent Hills game.

Fire Emblem IF comes out next month.

His W looks better than his ult.

Japan has a lot of weird stuff

I get it now! Nintendo has left a deeper message!