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Yeah he's on Anita's side, but the discussion behind gamergate is about ethics in games journalism. The Colbert interview barely touched on this. He pretty much said that it's expected that journalism can be unethical, and that it's also futile for consumers to expect them to reform. The rest of the interview dealt

Looks like you lost this one already. Present an actual argument or go troll elsewhere.

At least I'm not the one who's misinterpreting the discussion at hand and the stakeholders of gamergate. But hey, that's ok. Not everybody is smart.

It obviously isn't yours either.

Same goes for you.

Colbert didn't really side with anyone.

CoolROM? That's a piracy site

People who need to be removed from social media so this thing can go away:

I'm preparing by not enrolling in any classes 2nd Quarter.

Thigh highs for life.

This whole thing really is the result of a bunch of angry teenagers acting like they are an organized group with a clear cut set of goals, and that the other side seemingly 'anti-gg' is also treating them like a single organized group.

I beat all of dark souls 2 with a ds4. Worked great.

You can't kill a god.

Yeah it's pretty obvious that the extremity of the violence is purely for attention. And it's working.

My condolences. You might want to reword how you said that though, I initially thought you laughed because your daughter died :x

Not enough boku no pico here.

Black and White were by far the worst games in the series. It's not nostalgia, I literally facepalmed when I saw a castle rise from the ground.

Surely there will be more streaming apps coming to the PlayStation TV in the near future, but as of the night before launch, this is all I can download. Thank goodness for that Crunchyroll premium anime streaming membership I keep forgetting to cancel.

Isn't this just a legal thing? They block porn but no porn filter is perfect ;)
