
It has ports to those but not in English.


How is it any different from any western CG movie or tv show?

Didn't windwaker do this. You press the - key to swap between TV and gamepad. It doesnt show both at the same time like 3d world does.

I like capcom, not big into marvel unfortunately.

Not satisfied 'til we see Phoenix Wright.

I don't see a need for it to be console only, but a transferable system like monster hunter 3 would be pretty cool. Pokemon has always been something I like to play on handhelds because it's easy to set it down and resume whenever you want, wherever you want.

I have no desire to play a grindy game like pokemon on my Wii U.

I rather have mechwarrior 5 than titanfall.

Wait, this movie isn't shit?

The last two days is when Kickstarter projects get the most funds anyway.

Have you heard of center of gravity?

You know, more bits != better graphics.

... But where are the pink haired kitty girls and loli toons?

Imperial Paywall.

I can understand EQ Next and Wildstar but TESO? Come on man that thing's a trainwreck.

After Sonic Generations I was ready to love Sonic again.

Did I somehow offend your game?