
Before you congratulate these people for growing a spine...

On top of those, there’s a high-definition backup camera with park assist (handy, since there’s an engine right behind you)

Hey, remember that time Deadspin said the men’s team doesn’t support the women’s team?

I have reached out to every member of the US Men’s soccer team, former President Obama, and deceased football legend Johan Cruyff for comment. So far I have received no response. I think that says it all.

Well, nothing says good faith settlement discussion than publishing complete bullshit stats to try to make the other side look like greedy ungrateful women. Pay them.

That’s a lottttt of energy over a t-shirt to end up getting fired over, sis.  

The runner-up headline for this blog was Bison Yeets Child Into Oblivion

I believe the correct jargon used by the kids these days is, “yeet”

I live near Yellowstone and the number of idiots who get too close to bison and other wildlife is mind-boggling. And the Park Service has signs everywhere telling them not to.

My brother in law is a Jets fan.  Talk about a guy who makes poor life choices. 

Sick flip tho

‘A 9-year-old from Florida was singled out and flung into the air’

That Wikipedia entry is completely wrong. Just utter made-up bullshit. 

I tried to quit a pack-a-day smoking habit three times, including a 2.5-year sting, before finally doing so in 2003.

I hope he beats this 

All liberals want to do is bash him for being “racist” or “stupid” or “orange” or “bad at governing”, but no one wants to give him credit for his uncanny ability to - completely on the fly - create statistics that are basically impossible (“literally 100 percent of the island itself was watching”) or platitudes that

The radio show is apparently the most-listened sports radio show in America. That big enough?

My Impossible Task, always (it seems), is keeping my apartment in any semblance of a clean state. Dishes start to sit in the sink, clothes don’t get put away, vacuum isn’t run, shower isn’t scrubbed. I live alone and know I need to do these things, but oftentimes, it just becomes insurmountable. My headspace remains

I have my share of Impossible Tasks—autism’s a helluva drug when you have to make a phone call or run an errand that involves talking to a human being in person—and I try very hard to space them out such that if I just have one of my “wow, remember when Mom was soooo understanding and berated you when you couldn’t do

I hope this helps someone.