
They are either lying or they had a plan that didn’t cover anything other than a catastrophic event.  

That sounds like a sincere apology? It’s really easy to prevent this, turn on the A/C or don’t cram 100+ people in a metal tube to sit in the sun for 2 hours.

Fair. But this will be struck down by the courts. Its Abbot and Patrick that are just showing how much of party hacks they are. Texas is changing, slowly, but surely. Come on down to Dallas, I’ll buy you a drink and show you how most of us live (urban dwellers, I can’t vouch for outside the cities).

You can come hang with me! When the collapse happens, I’m going to loot the liquor stores, plenty of booze and cigarettes. We’ll trade a handle of Jack Daniels for a chicken and seeds. We could even start a band! (I have no musical talent)

I’m just over 6'3, I don’t consider myself abnormally tall, but my knees are less than an inch from the seat in front of me, so when someone does recline, I legitimately can’t move my legs. I don’t recline because I don’t think I should ruin someone else’s flight because mine has been ruined.

Alcoholics can be good links to other people. They tend to be out a lot, so you can use them as a connector. I am assuming they are people that drink too much, so try and catch them earlier than later.

How did you maintain friendships before? Was it going out? Host things at the house, like almost a happy hour or a bbq. Make an effort for one of you to show up to bigger events, when you are invited to things, go if you can, if you can’t let them know you appreciate the invite and ask about a time that would be

I joined a kickball league a couple of years ago with some friends. From there we befriended a number of people and that group has become a pretty wide net of friends. Other friends joined Blondes vs Brunettes football charity organization and have added more people. Essentially we support anyone in our group in

I have a lot of friends, people consistently ask me how my friends became friends when we all go out together. Two ways to make/keep friends. One actually give a shit about other people. Two engage with people about their lives. That’s it, people that have lots of friends, they are typically just good friends and

They basically invented call in sports radio.

If they are driving a Lexus.

They need a bigger penalty for leaving a game on the XboxOne. It’s a loss of competitive points and 10 minute ban. They should make you complete tutorials before you can come back. I was matched in 4 games today, 2 quit before they started because someone left and the other two, someone left on my team. Plus why

Eh, Bourbon street is only slightly more ‘turnt’up (do people still use that word?) on St Patrick’s day than the normal weekend night.

As a Long Islander in Dallas, I go to the Stars Islanders game every year and rock my Islanders jersey, every year I see young kids wearing this jersey. I’ve asked them why they have it and they all answer ‘it’s cool’ or something to that effect. Since I was about their age when it came out, I can say for sure, it

Now playing

Tim DeLaughter’s cover of Lithium always brought a tear to my eye.

I’m glad the Root is around and I found it. Keep up the good work.

Why the fuck are you commenting on stories a year later?

Wait is there a Jezebel app? I wish Gawker Media had an app like Huffington Post, then I could delete that app...

My experience is that liberal outposts typically seem to be fairly homogeneous populations where its relatively easy to accept deviations from norm culture, because they aren’t typically that drastic or widespread. For instance; Austin, TX gets hailed as this great hope of Texas, whereas they have very small minority

Did you actually read this article? Because it doesn’t really support what you are declaring.