That heil photo is a beautiful example of Trump supporters being NOT the struggling working-class voter deserving of our “empathy”. We were in Ogunquit this weekend surrounded by loud, drunken, gun-toting Republicans who just happened to be filthy rich. On average Trump voters earn just a bit above the average voter.…
Please stop with the “alt-right.” They are neo-nazis. White supremacists. White Nationalists. Take your pick. But do not use the language they adopted to hide who they really are.
STOP calling them Alt Right!!! They are NEO NAZIS!! The fact that they’ve given themselves a harmless sounding name does not change what they truly are.
Because there was nothing wrong with the tweet. All he said was that St. Patty’s day is a wonderful time for Black guys to meet White women. He didn’t imply consent wasn’t involved. He didn’t imply that the women were too drunk to make a rational decisions.
People say stupid shit. We ALL say stupid shit. And you know what? Jezebel hot take: I actually think this was kind of funny (ducks)
Because that is what we do now. We can’t let people do anything good in this world without sifting through their past to find a reason to vilify them.
The future of the Democratic party isn’t in being centrist like Webb and Clinton, it’s in embracing Warren, Sanders, etc. and being actually liberal in the European sense of the word for once. If they want people to show up to vote, the candidates need to be exciting. No 18-40 year old is jumping out of their seat to…
The weird thing is I’d much rather have the wildcard that is Donald Trump as president than Mike fucking Pence. With Trump in there, at least there is the possibility of him going rogue from the general GOP wishes to some degree, but Mike Pence is the evangelical right wing distilled and him being president would be…
for 3 months tho.. the age gap is huge but she’s of age ...and its not like he got her drunk one night and went for it.
Fuck. My heart is broken for my country. I agree that it’s time for the West Coast to gtfo of this mess. The California Republic must rise again.
Now is a good time for us on the West Coast to secede. I think we’re done with all that “United States” bullshit. Because tonight absolutely proved it’s bullshit. Unequivocally.
Shaka, when the walls fell.
“Only for the professionally offended.”
When I saw the still from the video, I honestly thought it had something to do with Walking Dead.
This Victoria’s Secret Angels outtake photo is one way to respond, but I don’t know if it’s quite right.
Maybe if everyone stopped acting like a comedian making a video is akin to get punched in the face we could finally realize this is not a big deal
Here’s what’s frustrating about this: We already knew he was a racist. He’s already dehumanized black americans, latino americans, muslim americans. He’s a racist.
So we can all agree that The Rock is pretty much the most universally loved man in America, right? Follow up question, am I okay to wear a Rock teeshirt to the gym as a 30 something year old man?
This is probably a mostly false account. The particulars likely happened (i.e., there was an argument on the plane that continued after the plane landed--he probably lost his temper, raising his voice in frustration/anger and may have even displayed physical dominance), but that it rose to the level of abuse is likely…