
The SHIELD show won't have the biggest super heroes showing up every week, of course. But I'd really love it if they occasionally did. Or especially new ones. I hope that, while I am sure they will try to appeal to the major audience, they will have many nods and characters from the comics. Otherwise I'll be really

I actually could imagine worse than Ratner, but then again I am that one guy who enjoyed X3. I just don't think the JL film will get off the ground all that soon.

That was my thought, too.

Really? The problem is not that they are simplistic. They are kinda misleading and not to the point.

Terrific list, Meredith! I can't think of any missing ones right now :O

I am not even much of a fan and all that already makes my brain hurt.

That's mighty nice of Emma Stone to say that but that doesn't mean the creators will go that way. I just can't believe they will end a trilogy with a broken hero who killed his love. This is not Nolan, after all. But maybe they'll surprise me.

So that's settled. Poland is the poorest country in the whole wide world.

Awesome. I love that they actually build stuff in nature and not only CGI it :)

Wow, and then it would have been: "One week earlier"? Kinda like that.


I gotta say I almost pissed myself laughing during the Robot Chicken SW episodes. I didn't see much of that here, they were very anti-climatic. I like the animation just fine and how Leia pronounced "I only eat here". And I love Green for treating the prequels and original trilogy equally, not praising one and bashing

Interesting stuff. I am currently following the German rerun, watching it for the first time since the show ended. Still my favorite ST show.

Hah, never realized before that Jawas have furry arms.

I am usually not a big fan of internet meme people pretending to be smarter than Hollywood writers, but that made me laugh.

All kinds of awesome!

Ah now I see, why she is basically entirely unknown over here in Europe. We didn't miss much.

Not gonna lie, I can't see shit.

All this gets me oddly excited. I want Tina Turner to sing a song for it, too!

Makes me wanna play Fallout again :)