
I own and like Phantom Menace and Godzilla, you elitist brats.

Those are kinda disconcerting, not gonna lie.

Here in Germany too. I thought that wasn't a bad idea.

There's nothing wrong with using "Kashmir" in a trailer. Should they have used Puff Daddy's version instead? :P

Gondor? We can live with that!

Republican states = Mordor.

I know right? That's an odd new tendency there. Next up: the teaser for the teaser for the trailer?

Ya well, I am sorry, but I like my shows to have at least some characters that stay on board and survive the whole mess. Sure there have to be losses, but not each and every one of them. If The River does that I'll be pretty pissed.

Huh, I found this to be one of the better episodes so far. At least it was more disconcerting than the rest. Shaky cam running through the forest with not much to see but KNOWING something's there is just a lot scarier than steady cam on a boat.

I am not exactly a prude, but I really hope they don't add too many sex scenes just for attention's sake. Margery and Renly never have any, for example. And whose ear does Melisandre bite? Keep it real, guys.

Well I prefer Sting over Feyd looking like a drag queen. But the rest is pretty terrific. Rest in peace, good man.

"Having an escaping Randall kill him would've offered some poetic symmetry."

There will be primarily two opinions about this Science-fiction film: a) that it's a soulless effects vehicle that is ripping off the big success films of the genre and b) that it's a fun escapist adventure with plenty to see that entertains you well while it lasts. They're both right.

I am not Whedon's biggest fan but he is spot on right there. I hope he gets to do a sequel. (I'm already assuming part 1 will rock).

I've had most of the Terra Nova actors on Twitter and saw the fan's reactions and struggle to keep the show alive beforehand, so you can't say it wasn't loved.

But the show started with news footage of "Emmet missing", everyone getting there etc. Plus there is older footage from former episodes always in the right moments to explain what's going on with the characters. That's not put together on the ship. They don't have the time or patience to "review" their weekly

Yeah I always wonder who "we" is they're talking about around here when they say they liked that film. Lars von Trier can rot in hell with his preachy, depressing drivel.

Hmm, I never thought that the cut we are seeing was actually put together on the boat, but that the found footage was made into the "documentary" that is the show much later.

You ruined your whole rant by adding insult in a reply to someone who merely has a different taste than you. Get off your high horse.

I don't even mean the story per se, you're right about that. I just find the found footage idea has its boundaries, especially if you wanna sell it as "this is what they left behind" (sounds like an unhappy ending, which I can forgive after 8 episodes but not after 2 seasons). Just seems silly to have hours and hours