
@cottonwin: Surely, penises are the real Massive Destruction Arm of da World!

Wow ! Love the musical bridge at 1:04

Raymond Queneau's "Hundred Thousand Billion Poems" or "One hundred million million poems" (original French title: Cent mille milliards de poèmes), published in 1961

@Instantpontaneous: So that's the video I was looking for. I know I bookmarked it but where...

Wow! I know how to build my Christmas tree this year!

Best invention of the century!!!

I liked the music !

@Y2KGTP: In reality, 1 gramme of water = 1 cubic centimeter of water at 4° Celsius (max density). So this is no abstract.

Funny how the sound of these cameras hitting the ground feels quite cheap plastic!

@I see the light. It burns!: Ho! Thanks for this, it was also our first computer. I do remember my dad build it from a kit though, am I correct?

Mmm. Where to start?

WooooW! Let's call it... "Video Feedback"!

Awesome guy, cheap ad. But, like they say, a guy must work!

Ouf! I am relieved to hear that, I knew this "Happy Meal experiment" was a fake (especially as all the shadows were incorrect)!

This modern hi-tech divabot singing 80' allure song, that's what creeps me out!