
@alek2407: What? It wasn't the ginkgo leave who commented?

@NicleT: Haaa ! Sorry for multiple posts. Please, moderator, remove the extra posts, thank you.

@NicleT: Mmm. images load strangely

@NicleT: Mmm. images won't load?!

@NicleT: Mmm. images won't load?!

Mmm. Noo-noo, anyone ?

VOTE: 1Password

Buckminster Fuller should be proud of them (!)

"...a real pistol, left on a living room table".

@NicleT: Just to correct things up, Fischli and Weiss never filed a lawsuit against Honda, my mistake.

Ok, you forgot an important reference: Peter Fischli & David Weiss. They made "The Way Things Go" in 1987 which was sort of THE inspiration for The Cog (Honda was sued by Fischli & Weiss and lost the case), anyways. IMO, this awesome OK Go music video for "This Too Shall Pass" is more close to "The Way Things Go" than

Online, always.

Those glasses are very sexy!

Reminds me René Lussier's "Le Trésor de la Langue", mid '80 with a touch of Conlon Nacarrow's works.

Ha ha ha ! Ho boy, Phil you're great !

The best trick :

VOTE : Mac OS X's Dock