Nick Dina

Just like it says in the Ten Commandments, “Honor thy father and mother(fucking Roger Goodell will fine you).”


Carrol Ford Shelby GT350R Mustang Ford

Look inside you and be strong
And you’ll finally see the truth
That a hero lies in you.

As far as these things go I would take this over the mess that is going on with Kane or what went on with Winston.

This just in: Gerald Ford developmentally delayed, after all!

Faustdick sounds way too much like Satan’s weiner. Just saying. Speaking of weiners, Audis are back to all looking the same again...

Jesus is only a Spurs fan because he went to high school with Tim Duncan

I love it. Someone threw their trash down at him, so he threw his up at them.

Sports News Website Reports Sports News; Readers Outraged

Out of habit, the NRA filed an amicus brief on behalf of the NFL when they heard “Clinton” & “Brady” in the same sentence.

WHY YOUR COURT SUCKS 2015: U.S. District Court of Minnesota

Look at this fucking (degenerative) hipster.


The Pontiac Aztek was a better GM than Doc Rivers.