Did he give them the trucker horn honk motion? Because I would have given them the trucker horn honk motion.
Did he give them the trucker horn honk motion? Because I would have given them the trucker horn honk motion.
I just watched the entire video so I imagine there are a million comments by now and without checking I am gonna assume everyone had to love the end when they were all being tracked together and the tandem drifting etc. But watching the video you can really tell that each car is its own animal. They put in similar…
You didn’t clarify. Are you talking about the car or why he is your ex?
Hey Patrick did you lock the comments that Panthers post? I very much wanted to watch the shit storm brewing.
Wellat least it’s not another story about overbearing parents that constantly hover over their kids that ruined the game that night. If only there was a term for them.
I am going to assume they’re gonna issue these cards after the holidays.
Goodjob, cake eater.
This is terrible I know, but I believe it was a Le Sabre I had as a rental. Well my parents had. I started young abusing rentals and back then pulling hand brakes in parking lots was the thing. So when we , my friends and I, got the land yacht we were sorely disappointed it lacked a hand brake. Not to be detoured we…
Looks like Manu trying to get the and 1.
I had the same problem in my old speed6. Second gear would pop out under the same conditions and I got to where I could reproduce it consistently before I took it in. Might sound stupid but practice reproducing the problem. For me it wasn't the bumps that made it pop out, but the fact I would always let off the gas…
This is obviously what happens when you plug a dustbuster into your car while it is ovulating.
Jet fuel doesn’t cause concussions.
I knew he would.
I believe Vick threw a solid block a couple weeks ago.
I prefer the whip.
If you're next YouTube video isn't you eating a lemon then I quit.
Obama’s plan is to provoke local militia in an attempt to ready them to arms. They think a sovereign attack is imminent but it’s really an attempt to focus non-military assests in case of a land invasion from foreign power. Call your citizens to arms without alerting threatening foreign states. I’m a little drunk and…
Jesus Christ. That worked so well I feel like you set everything up yourself. I shudder at your greatness.
Sweet. Never knew that.
I’ve learned from forums that BMW radios just sometimes don’t work.