This doesn't look very stealthy, like solid snake. Also, I think I came in my pants, at least 3 times.
This doesn't look very stealthy, like solid snake. Also, I think I came in my pants, at least 3 times.
Remind me of this Late Boomer Trophy... I either have it, or I am so traumatized by it, that it is now blocked from my memory. I'm thinking it's the latter.
This looks good for a sequel to Heavenly Sword....
DIY Portal Mirrors:
+1 to this. My current TV has a very high refresh rate, compared to my previous one. The difference was so staggering that it makes the TV almost a window to another world. Friends always make this compliment about my TV when they watch something. I tell them right away, it has everything to do with the refresh rate.
oh. I thought he was gonna say, "Ho's... Gotta catch em all!"
it's a possibility, that we've only been seeing screenshots of back country, and not other venues like the tokyo megaplex.
I was one of the few who reserved their opinions until unedited gameplay footage. Now that I've seen this, this is not the DMC I know anymore. The moves just aren't that quick and snappy. The speed definitely looks more heavenly sword-like.
Right now I use FB to share awesome posts & interesting news from G+. Very rarely the other way around, but it has happened.
"Search Out Nerdy Information"
you all are wasting your time on her music vids. This is really where it's at!
FDA declares Pizza is not a vegetable, but accepts Pepper Spray as one.
*cue evil laughter*
I don't mind it at all, in the sense that you wouldn't have to put it away, for a quick gaming session. You can quite easily remove it completely, and keep it in your pocket.
Very classy, and definitely doesn't get in the way of the functionalities of Vita.
you can't. But Sony is doing their due diligence. If a kid lies about his age, on his PSN and his grade slips? who's fault is it now? Sony's or the parents?
PETA seriously needs to get laid.
I can't play Uncharted 3 much, due to house-sitting for another week (of 3 consecutive weeks). I did however play it for the first time yesterday for a few hours.
no load times going from region to region. The map was as big as a state, not just a city.
why did I have to watch the trailer on reveal day. I NEED THIS GAME NOW!