
I'm a multi-tasker at heart, and this desktop seems to be calling out my name (minus the wallpaper image which I can create for myself, or download something cooler).

that is an absolutely stunning desktop.

If one didn't read his wiki before watching this, you would think this was some kind of joke not to be taken seriously, but it's fairly accurate.

1:22 unknown guy looks like a football player (I'm 99% positive on this)

man.. I was trying to find Britney Spears' misuse of the quotation marks video to post as a reply, but that video has disappeared off the face of the internet. *shock*

I'm pretty proficient in photoshop, and knew I can do what you just said, or turn the background to any colour I choose. I guess I was mostly warning others, that it's a pixel burning image with all that white. I was also wondering if any other LH users might know if it's just a myth that white is a pixel burner.

#5 is my favourite, except for the fact that all that white, are screen burners. Unless someone on LH can tell me otherwise.

Michael, is that little guy that lives inside of all of us.

man, I miss the old King's Quest era of PC gaming. :(

here you go.


out of or in context, I still think it's awesome.

at 00:15, did Mork just pee in his own pod?

Old gamer here as well. I wouldn't say I'm done with them, but more like un-enthused with them. Every now and then I will buy the new FPS craze, but after a couple of days it becomes the same. The only learning curve I noticed with every FPS for me, is getting to know your map. After that, all the old rules that

Gamestop will give you $50 for all 54.

Your father has forsaken you, and sold it to some lady in Maryland.....

just curious, would simply using a different browser, but on the same computer work?

if you are using it to communicate with just friends, then obviously you are not going to get much activity right now. If you follow bloggers, musicians, industry leaders, etc. etc. you would get a lot more use out of it.