
I'll just leave this hear.

Any FPS game, where I am watching someone else play. Vomit-inducing. If I have the controller, my mind's eye is prepared for every turn of my character, because I want them to turn there. When I watch someone else play, my mind is not ready for their erratic behaviour that goes against my strategy. So when I am


I just checked it out right now. No mine doesn't play videos either, so I sent a feedback about it.

true true. Google+ is too much in it's infancy for me, that I have literally 4 friends on there, and they are non-active. I'm just wishing I could ween myself away from facebook alot sooner.

@all we should all share our e-mail addy's so we could have a google+ kotaku friendslist.

I can see a lot of potential with google+, the more I use it, the more I like it. It's like a combination of Myspace & Facebook, as far as social media's go, as it is extremely easy to set-up what your "friendslist" are able to see (much more customizable than facebook). I also love how streamlined it is for Mobile

lightsabeeeeer.... ON!


it looks interesting, and i like the art style (reminiscent of Borderlands with a J-pop style). I'd like to see gameplay vids & what console it's for.

Warhawk had huge maps. Warhawks would be flying all over the place, and it was utter chaos. Think the biggest map in Killzone 3 warzone multiplayer & multiply it by at least 10. This was only 32 players, and it felt like full blown war was going on.

could be quite possible, as one of Dante's Supers is activating Devil Trigger.

Nightcrawler vs Wesker. Who will win? who will land the first punch? Where the fuck are they?


is this real?

$5 per character X 12 = $60 DLC (and don't forget the HDD space it needs to store onto your console (not that this is a big issue for me, but it's still a negative))

True true. I play solely online, because my friends are all CoD or bust, and the off chance that I have friends that like fighters, I find out that they just "like" fighters, and are not hardcore. So I always end up being that guy who has to try really hard to suck, so that I don't kill the buzz.

I'm just happy that they included spectator-mode. I hated seeing dancing profile cards while waiting in a 8 man room.

Agreed, because I did the same math in my head.