
my next phone will be decided by, what can do this. Right now, I have an android that only supports 2.1, and I can't wifi hotspot my PSP with it. I read that you need 2.2 or better in order to do so. So, I plan on waiting for the release of the Vita, and see if someone has found an app hotspot that can be picked up by

That's what I plan to do.

any sequels that is coming to the kinect, comes in mind as well (ie Fable).

any zoe payne?!

"You're right, I'm painting in very broad strokes, and letting my cynicism run rampant on my judgment, but so far, nothing I've seen gets me excited. Nothing I've seen justifies the point of any of these new devices (I'm looking at you too, Kinect). If other people are, by all means, to each their own.

me neither. I have my first cheap android phone right now to figure out how it works, why i need certain specs on my phone, etc. etc.. The PSV will determine what my next phone will be, as I will be making my phone a wifi hotspot for the PSV when I am on the go. I just need to see who has successfully connected to PSV

I commute 5 days a week, back and forth to work and home. Both, take me an hour each. I am a perfect candidate for handhelds. The only reason I have stopped using my PSP was because I just recently got an android phone.

$249 for Wifi only, about $299 for Wifi 3G.

that was pretty awesome!

no, but splinter groups can.

Here's the thought process:

Final Fantasy XIII is where that character came from.

Kamiya working on rising would be a wet dream come true!


I can fit seven Wii Remotes on my Wii U controller, if you know what I mean. ;)

I do enjoy breasts downtown, as well.

"Her father once shot a gun at her while drunk. Her mother abused cocaine and chased men across the country, leading to Jillian attending 13 different schools over the course of her education."

when I first read about it, I couldn't help but think of RTS, with gesture commands, and top down map view.

in regards to Fatal Frame, if they have a camera on the back of the controller (i haven't checked), then that would be awesome!!!

I go to this site, for my custom special edition. You can even supply your own artwork. They even supply you with a jpeg wallpaper to match your skin.