You do know that Kotaku and other gaming blogs get early copies for reviewing purposes right?
You do know that Kotaku and other gaming blogs get early copies for reviewing purposes right?
My 2 year old $12 Sennheiser continues to serve me well. All previous earbuds always break at the same point, but my Senn's are still going strong, and the quality vs price is great.
I haven't watched Invader Zim in a long time, but yeah, that cartoon was awesome! It's pretty much Johnen Vazquez sarcastic & anti-social view of Society through an alien.
The way I see it, is that nothing online is absolutely 100% secure. Hell, Visa & Mastercard were under attack for their refusal of service for wikileaks. VISA & MASTERCARD! In all of our minds, these companies are supposed to be extremely secure in every sense of the word. In this case, Sony was singled out most…
you can buy PSN cards.
I would be very interested in seeing what Alan Moore would create to the Video Gaming genre. I just hope he has an experienced team to back him up. In my imagination, it's probably going to be a game that breaks the 4th wall type of stuff.
or make movies out of TV shows, like Mission Impossible, Charlie's Angels, bewitched and... oh wait.
I don't know what you just said, but that photo is awesome!
me too, and I'm glad they implemented it.
I for one loved Rez since it's release in the PS2 era. I am looking forward to this alot. But I do know for a fact that alot of people will not like this. Some people love FPSs but hate TPSs & some vice versa, some people love hack and slash, some people hate it. Basically, the reason why this pops up with high praise…
me too. It was only until yesterday morning, when I read it on Kotaku, that I checked. For me it has been a few hours over 24 hours.
Move & 3D?! wicked!!! please tell me this is true.
I am buying into the next gen no matter what, as software tend to migrate to the newer machine anyways, and I am sure I will be impressed with the new machines. But you know what, technology is improving on practically a daily basis. So if it holds back a few more years, to impress us with the next next generation of…
I am actually ok with this. I don't feel like this generation is in need of upgrading, as I am pretty happy with it, plus I don't want to drop more money right now, or the immediate near future.
I agree that the courses are the real characters. I love Zoey, Mac & Elise but the courses & tricks are what make this game. This is why SSX 2 & 3 are my favs.
Superman is so dreamy aka YES!