
I have nothing against Mark. The only two articles I've written by him were amusing, but they were written about things that were clearly made-up (the trend of urinating into one's own mouth, and Facebook ghosts). I asked him whether he was being serious and he answered. Didn't realize that asking questions about

Fair enough. I'm not a regular Jezebel reader, so I am not familiar with your other work. I'll take you at your word that your other articles aren't focused on mouth urine and Facebook ghosts. On some level I hope you understand my confusion about these two particular articles when taken against what I generally

So, in all seriousness, what gives man? This is the second night in a row that I read something on Jezebel where I thought to myself (prior to looking at the author's name), "What kind of gullible sap wrote this article?" Then, upon looking at the author's name, it was you. Are you trolling people who have critical

Fair enough, sorry if I was overly dickish in my comment. To demonstrate my appreciation at your prompt response I will knock one hundred dollars off the cost of my bridge. That leaves the asking price at all of your bank account, minus 100 dollars.

There's little doubt it has happened. Calling it 'the new teen trend' might well be the stupidest thing I've read on the internet in quite a while.

Ha, I just wrote basically the same comment.

I think you have been duped by this Troy West character.

Nope. Plenty of un[der]employed science majors out there. My masters is in chem. I know more unemployed chemists (with every level of degree: B.S. - Ph.D) than I do employed chemists. I was able to get a job as a teacher, but most of the Ph.D chemists from my time in grad school are on their third or fourth post

Thank you for writing this.

I've never worked in a public school that could afford a Scantron machine. Granted, I've only worked in city schools.

In fairness, no one has to spend $250,000 to get one of those degrees. The degrees in the article are all generic enough to be available at your local public college for a fraction of the cost. At this point if you go away to private school and think loading yourself up for six-figure debt for a psychology degree is

Yes. And the hearsay was refuted.

It's also a bad summary because they didn't have to drain the reservoir. They chose to drain the reservoir.

Swimming during a thunderstorm (your first sentence) is very different than swimming in the rain (your last sentence).

I think that was my point...

To paraphrase one of my favorite quotes:

This was my first RPG. It's been years since I've played it, but I think it's the only RPG that I've done multiple play-throughs of. Wonderful game.

I shouldn't have called you crazy. Rather, I should have been more clear that I was referring to your argument/interpretation of OP's comment, and not you personally. Also, I understand you weren't being literal. But your hyperbole seemed misplaced, and my literalist interpretation of your comment was intended to

You mean people who are concerned about accurately conveying their intended meaning through words?

Sure, but it's not really a fair argument if you are going to bring in definitions and logic.